TPU composite coated fabric is a special type of fabric that is made by combining two different materials. It is often used in the construction of tents, sleeping bags and other outdoor gear. It is available in a variety of colors and finishes, and it can be printed with any design or logo. It is also very soft and flexible. It is designed to withstand wind and rain, while still maintaining its shape. It is also a good choice for covering equipment such as jet skis, boats and inflatable castles.
It is important to know how much TPU composite coated fabric you need for your project. The amount of fabric required will depend on how large your product is and how many layers it will have. You can calculate the amount of fabric you need by multiplying the denier of the fabric by its thread count and adding any TPU coatings. The weight of the fabric is also an important factor in determining how thick your finished product will be.
A common metric for measuring fabric strength is the grams per square meter (GSM). It can be used to compare fabrics of the same denier, but it can also be used to compare different types of fabric or to determine how strong a certain fabric is. GSM is not the only measure of fabric strength, however, and it should not be used as a substitute for denier or thread count.
Normally, polyurethane and woven cotton are immiscible due to their high difference in polarity and interfacial tension. However, previous researches have shown that this can be overcome by grafting the polyurethane with maleic anhydride or secondary amine to increase the compatibility. This modification allows the grafted polyurethane to remain on the surface of the woven cotton fibers, which then entraps the surrounding cellulose molecules.
The resulting blend of LDPE and grafted polyurethane can be calendered on a polyester fabric. The resulting sheet can be either single or double-coated, with the TPU on one side of the fabric or both sides. The resulting fabric can then be used in a range of applications such as awnings, tarps and tents.
Water repellency is an important property of any fabric. Untreated woven cotton fabrics have poor water repellency, despite their porous structure and wettability. The coating of TPU significantly improves the water repellency of woven cotton fabrics, increasing it to about 70%. The 8% PT coated fabric also exhibits good water repellency, but the oil resistance of this fabric is poor, as it is not resistant to n-heptane and paraffin oil due to their similar surface tension.
TPU can be deposited on a woven cotton fabric by using a knife coater, and the application can be done on either one or both sides of the fabric. This can result in fabrics that have different finishes on the different sides of the fabric, or fabrics that are glossy on one side and matte on the other.

