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The Origin of Wallcoverings

Wall coverings were introduced from abroad into China under the English names of wallpaper and wallfabric, collectively known as wall coverings. As the name implies, it is a special type of "paper" and "cloth" mounted on the wall for decoration, and is a commonly used decorative material for interior walls of buildings. In the late 1400's, wallpaper originated in France, initially as a substitute for expensive tapestries, and later spread to various European countries. In the late 16th century, hand-painted wallpaper appeared. In 1839, printed wallpaper appeared in the United Kingdom and was widely produced and applied in industrialized countries. Around 1880, wallpaper began to be introduced into China, but at that time it was mostly used in foreign houses within the concession. The first roll of printed and embossed synchronized paper and PVC composite wallpaper made in China was produced by Beijing Jiansu Factory (Beijing Tepuli Decoration and Binding Materials Co., Ltd.) in 1978.
With the increasing demand for high-end decorative materials and the improvement of technological level, special cloth based wall covering products have been designed and produced on the basis of wall covering. Since they were put into the market, they have been widely used by customers. The advent of wall covering products has led to the addition of new products to wall decoration materials.
Around 4000 AD, ancient Egyptians began using papyrus (a writing material made from the stems or pith of reeds).
The initial application of wallpaper can be traced back to ancient China. There are two reasons. First of all, paper was originally invented by the Chinese. Secondly, according to historical records, Chinese people began decorating walls with rice paper as early as 200 BC.
In 1481, King Louis XI of France ordered the painter Jean Bourdichon to paint 50 rolls of wallpaper with angel motifs on a blue background. "Because the king likes to live between different castles, he hopes to move the" walls "with him when he moves.". besides. There are also historical records that wealthy Europeans in the Middle Ages commissioned artists to paint on paper to decorate walls. But before the invention of the printing press, there was no real wallpaper.
Britain retains the oldest surviving fragments of European wallpaper. It has been identified that the fragments of wallpaper left on the pillars of the Christian College Hotel at the University of Cambridge, England, were printed in 1509 AD. This is an Italian style pomegranate wallpaper printed on the back of a declaration issued by Henry VIII. It was the masterpiece of a Yorkshire printer named Hugo Goss.
In 1599, the first wallpaper mounting workers' guild was established in France. French sculptor Jean Michel Papillon began using wood engraving to print floral wallpaper in 1675, and the true meaning of modern wallpaper began to emerge. Jean Michel Papillon has since been known as the father of wallpaper.
The earliest surviving samples of flocked wallpaper come from Worcestershire, England, and it is believed that this batch of wallpaper was made in 1680. The wallpaper manufacturing technology developed by the British is of great significance. In the 18th century, wallpaper produced by factories in London was once popular. Initially, fashionable Londoners ordered expensive hand painted marble or plaster patterned paper to decorate their homes. Wallpaper has won the favor of Londoners for its unique charm. Accompanying the wallpaper are lace with fringes or hanging patterns, and flocked wallpaper like trimmed velvet is even more popular.